Hong-Linh Truong completes his move from TU Wien to Aalto University as 1 Feb, 2019. The team is now based on the Department of Computer Science, Aalto University. Hong-Linh Truong will continue as a Priv-Doz (an adjunct associate professor) at TU Wien so master and PhD students at TU Wien will continue their work under his supervision at TU Wien as usual until their thesis completion.
Hong-Linh Truong gives an Tutorial on Dynamic IoT Data, Protocol, and Middleware Interoperability with Resource Slice Concepts and Tools at the ACM IoT 2018 conference in Santa Barbara, USA.
Invited talk at MDE4IoT 2017 Today’s crucial applications in, e.g., smart cities, logistics, health-care and manufacturing rely on complex Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud system infrastructures. Such infrastructures consist of IoT devices, distributed storage, processing, and management services that need to elastic, i.e., adaptable to evolving physical and execution environments. In this talk, we present our ongoing and future research efforts towards an uncertainty-wise model-driven engineering approach for elastic IoT Cloud Systems that, thanks to an uncertainty-wise feedback loop, suitably adapt to evolving physical and execution environments. We present our work that classifies and detects uncertainties on IoT cloud infrastructure models. We briefly discuss how uncertainty-wise system models can feed transformations to deployment configurations, functional tests, and non-functional analyses models. We conclude our talks showing case studies and our tool suite in the H2020 U-Test project.
Luca Berardinelli gives a talk about Modeling, Provisioning, Deployment of IoT/Cloud-based CPS at Fudan University, , Shanghai, China Aug 19-20 2016.
Hong-Linh Truong gives a talk about service engineering analytics for IoT cloud systems at ICSOC 2016, Banff, Canada, Oct 11th 2016. Here is the presentation.
Hong-Linh Truong gives a talk about Slicing IoT, Network Functions and Cloud at ICCCRI 2016 @ CloudAsia 2016, Singapore, May 4th 2016. Here is the presentation.
On behalf of the U-Test, Hong-Linh Truong gives a talk about U-Test at Road2CPS "Smart-Cyber-Physical Systems Clustering and Communication Event", Vienna, April 14th 2016. Here is the presentation.
ASEA-UNINET gives some support for visits and training to establish the Alps Lab , which will focus on Analytics, Security and Privacy for IoT and Big Data
Hong-Linh Truong gives a talk about Engineering Analytics for IoT Cloud Systems. See the news from Shenzhen University