The Aalto Systems and Services Engineering Analytics (AaltoSEA) Group concentrates and consolidates research activities, resources, results, and collaborations on foundational principles, concepts and techniques for service engineering analytics of distributed software systems and services, big data applications, machine learning systems and IoT. We are a member of The Department of Computer Science, Aalto University. We also contribute to the newly established Aalto Center for Autonomous Systems. Recently, we have also started to study what does it mean software and services analytics in the age of quantum computing through the collaboration in The Finnish Quantum Institute. At Aalto we teach students to study topics in Big Data Platforms and Systems for Big Data/Machine Learning and supervise research theses in, for example, cloud computing, big data, IoT, edge computing, and ML.Engineering Analytics
Engineering analytics is concerned with the techniques and tools for designing, monitoring, analyzing, explaining and optimizing functions, performance, data quality, elasticity, and uncertainties associated with systems, software, data and services. In our work, we focus on engineering analytics for: Systems and their interplay(IoT, Cloud and Edge Systems), Software (Machine Learning, Middleware, Protocols, and Tools), Data (Models and Analytics), Services (Data Marketplace, Service Models, APIs, and Configuration). We apply our engineering analytics techniques to various applications. See some high-level ideas in this presentation.Systems
we focus on emerging complex distributed systems covering cloud systems, IoT, edge systems, cyber-physical systems and social-cyber-physical systems. Some of our novel concepts are elastic systems, IoT Cloud systems and the ensembles of IoT, Cloud and Networks
We focus on system software, middleware, tools and applications in IoT, cloud, edge, enterprise, cyber-physical systems, and machine learning systems. Application domains are smart agriculture, smart city, e-science, and industrial internet. Some recent tools are IoT management, Uncertainty Testing for CPS, and IoT Cloud uncertainties
We focus on IoT/big data data models and analytics, including various types of data in complex distributed systems that are gathered, processed and provisioned under different services. Some our novel concepts are elastic data analytics, Quality of Analytics, and incidents in big data
We focus on novel technical service models (data-as-a-service, IoT services, e-science services, and several application-specific services), service API and execution management, and dynamic business models (e.g. pay-per-use) for consumers. Some of our novel conconcepts are Data-as-a-Service, data contracts for data marketplaces, human sensing data marketplace, and machine learning services
Research Directions
AI/Machine Learning/LLMs Observability and Optimization
End-to-end ML serving, LLMs Coordination, Quality of Analytics for ML/LLMs Software systems
Quality-aware Data Intensive Systems
Data Concerns, Data Quality Evaluation and Data Contracts for Data Services, Data Marketplaces, Quality-aware Data Science, Big Data Systems
Uncertainties, Performance and Reliability Evaluation
Uncertainties analytics, performance monitoring and evaluation, IoT-Edge-Cloud Observability
Elasticity Engineering and Analytics
Multi-dimensional Elasticity, R3E Concepts, Multi-continuum engineering and analytics
Programming and Service Models for Hybrid Quantum Computing
Novel models and techniques for characterizing and optimizing non-functional parameters, including performance and interaction couplings, for emerging complex applications in hybrid quantum computing environments
Hybrid Intelligence Software (HIS) in Edge-Cloud Environment
HIS Characterization, Testing and Quality of Analytics (QoA) methods for HIS, Composability and Design Patterns with AI/LLMs
Want to join the team for doing the research? Contact us!

Master Thesis Students
- Timo Nappa
- Lac Truong
- Niko Vänttilä
Past members
Postdocs: Dr. Thanh-Phuong Pham, Dr. Bunjamin Memishi, Dr. Luca Berardinelli, Dr. Georgiana Copil, Dr. Daniel
Research assistants/Master Students: Thao-Nguyen Vuong, My-Linh Nguyen, Rohit Raj, Minh-Duc Ta, Strasdosky
Otewa, Oscar
Henriksson, Kreics
Krists, Filip Rydzi,
Michael Hammerer, Lingfan Gao, Juraj Cik,
Balint, Manfred Halper,
Matthias Karan, Peter
Past visitors
Jingyu Liang (China University of Petroleum (Beijing)), Adrian Orive Oneca (IKERLAN), Kyle Chard (University of Chicago), Liang Zhang (Fudan University), The-Vu Tran (Da Nang University), Huu-Hung Huynh (Da Nang University), Nam Huynh (HoChiMinh City University of Technology)
Our GitHub prototypes: https://github.com/rdsea
Our Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/u/rdsea/
- ChainML - practical applications in the intersection of blockchain and machine learning
- INTER-HINC, IoT Interoperability, Part of Inter-IoT, H2020, May-2017-Oct-2018
- BADALING - Basic Abstractions for Developing Advanced Models of IoT Network in the Edge, Oct, 2016 - Sep, 2017
- AlPS - Analytics, Privacy, and Security for IoT and Big Data, Partially funded by ASEA-UNINET, 2016-2917
- U-Test - Testing Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertainty: Systematic, Extensible, and Configurable Model-based and Search-based Testing Methodologies, H2020 project, EU funded, Jan 2015-Dec 2017
- HAIVAN: Strengthening Critical IoT Software Development and Training in Highly Volatile and Unreliable Environments, partially funded by ASEA-UNINET, 2016.
Concepts & Prototypes
- ROHE - End-to-End ML Serving in Edge-Cloud
- QoA4ML - Quality of Analytics for ML
- CAMLE - Context-aware ML Explainability
- ZETA - Zero Trust Elasticity
- IoTCloudSamples: IoT Cloud Units for Research and Development
- KALBI- Blockchain knowledge, artefacts, benchmarks and utilities
- T4UME - Tool for Uncertainty Modeling and Evaluation for IoT Cloud Systems
- SINC - Slicing IoT, Network functions, and Clouds
- HINC - Harnomizing IoT, Network Functions, and Clouds
- COMOT4U - Control, Monitoring, and Testing under and for Uncertainties, including Runtime Health Verification of CPS
- iCOMOT for Control, Monitoring, Governance and Configuration of IoT Cloud Systems
- MARSA - A Marketplace for Realtime Human-Sensing Data
- SALSA - A Framework for Dynamic Configuration of IoT Cloud Systems
- Data and Service Contracts
Publications & Theses
See our full list here. Three recent publications:
- Phu Nguyen, Huu-Ha Nguyen, Phu Phung, Hong-Linh Truong, and Thomas Cheung, Advanced Context-Sensitive Access Management for Edge-Driven IoT Data Sharing as a Service. ACM Trans. Internet Technol. (March 2025).
- Minh-Tri Nguyen, Hong-Linh Truong, On Optimizing Resources for Real-Time End-to-End Machine Learning in Heterogeneous Edges. Softw: Pract Exper., 2024, https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.3383
- Hong-Linh Truong, Ngoc Nhu Trang Nguyen, TENSAI - Practical and Responsible Observability for Data Quality-aware Large-scale Analytics (PDF), Journal of Data and Information Quality, ACM, 2024.
- See the full list of publications